Lama dah tak mencoretkan sesuatu dalam blog ni..Almaklumlah tengah buzy berpraktikum. So, dengan takdir Allah, saya ditempatkan di SMK Kiaramas nearby Jalan Duta. Sekolah yang cantik dan masih baru serta guru-guru yang sangat baik..Studentsnya pun alhamdulillah masih dikira ok berbanding sekolah-sekolah lain. Pengalaman selama seminggu sehari sebagai seorang guru praktikum memang takkan saya lupakan. Ada ups and down nya. IT IS NOT EASY TO BECOME A TEACHER..Please bear that in mind..Ya Allah tak larat nak menghadapi perangai budak-budak. Diorang tak jahat tapi nakal. Memang susah nak kawal atau nak suruh duduk diam tu masyaAllah susah betul. Ditambah pula dengan suara saya yang agak slow. Memang nak tercabut anak tekak untuk mengajar. Selepas seminggu berada di sekolah, pelbagai keluhan dan luahan hati yang saya dengar daripada rakan-rakan termasuklah saya. Kami bukan bermaksud untuk mengeluh tapi it just happens. Ada juga yang dah berkira-kira berapa harga yang perlu dibayar balik kepada government in case nak break the contract. That is so funny. Tak larat nak mengajar budak-budak sekarang ni..Tak nak dengar cakap.
Dan sangat challenging when you have different abilities in one class. Jurang antara setiap seorang in terms of their proficiency in English sangat la jauh. Rasanya kualiti dulu dan sekarang sungguh jauh beza. Why is it so? Something to ponder upon dear people in the ministry of education. Ok come back to my class. I got two classes; Form 1 and Form 2. Sungguh mencabar ok!!In my beloved form 2 class, ada student yang langsung tak faham English dan BM pun faham sikit-sikit. He is a Malay tapi dia agak slow dan sangat kasihan bila dia nampak blur je dalam kelas saya. Sorry sangat ye..Teacher didn't mean to neglect you but I really need to use English in the class. Satu perkara yang saya mampu buat ialah pergi kepadanya dan explain everything in Malay.
It is hard but I learn to be patient.
Next, my form 1 class. This is quite a good class and most of them seems to understand me. SEEMS ok..One of the challenges in this class is there is a disabled boy. He cannot walk. I think he is paralyzed dari pinggang sampai bawah. Dia sangat mahu belajar and he really enjoys learning. It is just that he cannot finish the work on time as he has difficulties in writing. Poor my student. insyaAllah teacher will try my best to help you ok my dear.
Huish..The teaching world is not as easy as saying it. Frankly speaking, I always ask myself is this the right one for me? Just imagine in one day, you can feel like down to earth (kecewa and frust with students) in the morning and up high above in the sky (seronok bila students gembira dengan lesson kita) in the afternoon. Sekali rasa nak gigit-gigit semua students and ada sekali sayang sampai tergelak-gelak sendirian time nak tidur bila teringat gelagat students. Mentally exhausted ok..But they really make my day colourful.
I am so impressed with all the teachers who manage to survive until the end in this field. You have to face it then you'll know it. I will try my best to do the best and gain a lot of experiences for my future undertakings. Do pray for me so that I can survive in this challenging field..BUKAN SEKADAR GURU BIASA TAPI MAMPU MENJADI MUROBBI YANG HEBAT...insyaAllah