Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hadiah dari langit

Dear blog,

I miss you..=)

Assalamualaikum wbt..

It has been ages since the last time I updated this blog..I have been inspired by someone to continue writing in this blog..It does feel good to be back again..

Well, people...

I am thankful with what I have now.
There's nothing more that I can ask for from Allah SWT
I am really contented with the blessing that He has given me.
Allah's blessings are beyond my expectation..

So, yes..I am really glad..=)

Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah

Indeed, what Allah has promised in the Quran is so so so true..

Surely, there is ease after hardship
Aye, surely there is ease after hardship
(Al-Insyirah: 6, 7)

p/s: Dear Allah, let me be the one who will always remember You
     : Alhamdulillah sbb sy dpt hadiah yg jatuh dari langit..=)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

I'm back in here again: 2013

Assalamualaikum wbt..

I'm back..Alhamdulillah....

Now, I am in the middle of reading an inspiring book by Yasmin Mogahed. The title is "Reclaim you heart".. What a good book for one to reflect on oneself and understand the nature of this life.Yes, some of us actually already know what is the meaning of this life from the point of view of a muslim. However, as we are the 'al-insan' which mean always being the one who forget things, we need reminders (tazkirah) to keep on reminding us so that we are not going astray from the right path.Let me share one of the pearls inside the book.


"Before you can fill any vessel, you must first empty it. The heart is a vessel. And like any vessel, the heart too must be emptied-before it can be filled. One can never hope to fill the heart with God, so long as that vessel is full of other than Him subhanahu taa'la (exalted He is)" To empty the heart doesn't mean to not love. On the contrary, true love, as God intended it, it purest when it is not based on a false attachment.

See...I love the words that Yasmin has used..Deep..very deep..let's think....=)

Oh Dear,
As long as eyes can see, 
As long as heart can beat,
As long as we are still in this world,
The journey is still there
For some people, it has begun for a long time
And for some people it has just started
What ever it is, as long as we are in this journey,
We are under the blessing of Allah
What journey that I am talking about?

It is the journey of coming back to the only path that the God Almighty has chosen for us..


It does feel good to return back to this blog..=)