Friday, January 30, 2009

Summer's memories...

Assalamualaikum wbt...Now, I am in the University of Melbourne Engineering learning centre. I am accompanying one of my akhowat studying for her exam. By the way, it is better to sit in this bulding as it is extremely hot outside there. It has been 45 degrees for the past 3 days. And this is the hottest summer in 150 years (if im not mistaken). I don't know how to describe the weather. But it is just extremely hot. Try to put your face near the oven when you bake your cake or anything. But this time, it is not just at your face, but the whole body..A lot of people has been admitted to the hospital because of the heatstroke and one of my ukhti, which is a doctor says."ada patient tak nk blk umah sebab kat umah tkde aircond"..emm..However, this will be one of the most precious experiences that I ever had because this will be my final year in Oz and Malaysia's temperature will not be up to this hot rite..

Erm..there's more hot-hot things happen actually a part from the weather. Last 2 days, the Zionist laknatullah bombed the tunnel in Gaza Strip while they had agreed to the so-called cease fire..Sakit hati betul ngan diorang ni. And they said that it was the counter attacks for a few of the Israel's jeeps which were blown by the mujahideen. (again, it is just their trick..whatever..).The tunnel that they bombed was the pathway where the Palestinians get their foods and other sources...Shame on you ISRAEL..

"Rabbana la tu'akhizna in-nasina aw akh-ta'na. Rab-bana wa la tahmil 'alayna isran kama hamaltahu 'ala-lladhina min qablina, Rab-bana wa la tuhammilna ma la taqata lana bih, wa-'fu 'anna wa 'ghfirlana warhamna anta Maulana fansurna 'alal-qawmil kafirin."

"Our Lord! do not punish us if we forget or make mistake; Our Lord! do not lay on us a burden as Thou didst lay on those before us; Our Lord! do not impose upon us that which we have not the strength to bear; and pardon us and grant us protection and have mercy on us, Thou art
our Patron, so help us against the unbelieving people." (2:286)

Back to the summer's story. Dear friends, the heat of this summer, makes me realizes that it is just one percent of the heat in the hell or maybe less than one percent. It is just so hot even the train's rail mencair. I cant imagine how it will be in the hell and i dont want to imagine that. O God, please save me, my family and my friends and also my dear readers from the chastisement of fire.

"Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil 'akhirati hasanatan waqina 'adhaban-nar."

"Our Lord! grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter, and save us from the chastisement of the fire." (2:201)

I think I'll stop here..The movie about Imam Al-Ghazali is waiting me..One more thing that I want to share is about my camping at the Grampians National Park and there is a report regarding the camping in the FAMSY website. Feel free to read it...=)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Let us rise together!!

We Will Not Go Down In Gaza Tonight.mp3 - micheal heart

A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they're dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who's wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight

We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

"We will not go down in Gaza tonight without a fight"

Assalamualaikum wbt. I would like to share a song by Michael Heart. It is a song dedicated to all the Palestinians. You can read the words from the singer here MH. Personally, I am glad with the existance of this song. Hope it can burn the spirit of all the Palestinians and the muslims all over the world. Maybe not only muslims, but also the christians, jews and other religions and races. As what Dr. Azam Tamimi said, this war is not between the muslims and jews but it is between those who have been oppressed and the oppressors :The Zionist (Olmert),George Bush and his Europian colleges, Mubarak, Mahmud Abbas and The Saudi Royal family.


Friday, January 9, 2009

Renungan sejenak

Assalamualaikum wbt...Sudah hampir sebulan saya tidak mengupdatekn blog ini..Bukan tidak mahu, tetapi saya berada di rural area, Alexandra, Melbourne. Cuti musim panas selama tiga bulan ini, saya isikan dengan bekerja di sebuah ladang cerry yang terletak 2 jam dari Melbourne City. Satu pengalaman baru yang saya alami. Tarbiyah yang betul-betul berguna untuk diri sendiri. Saya sangat bersyukur kerana berpeluang untuk bekerja disitu kerana beberapa orang kawan saya sendiri tidak berkesempatan untuk mencari pengalaman bekerja di situ kerana beberapa hal yang tidak dapat dielakkan. Mungkin dalam entri yang lain, saya akan bercerita mengenai pengalaman saya sepanjang 2 minggu bekerja di sana. Sedang saya asyik dengan kerja, datang satu berita tergempar yang mengatakan Gaza diserang lagi.Ketika itu saya dan akhowat yang lain sedang menjamu selera ketika waktu rehat tengahari. Terhenti jantung rasanya mendengar berita itu. Geram kepada Israel laknatullah itu tidak dapat saya gambarkan. Petang itu juga, beberapa sahabat saya cuba untuk ke library yang terletak di pekan tetapi tutup. Beberapa hari selepas itu, barulah kami dapat mengakses internet dan mengetahui info-info terkini mengenai saudara-saudara kita di sana. Antara point-point penting yang dapat saya ingat melalui pembacaan daripada beberapa website yang dipercayai ialah:-

1)Perjanjian gencatan senjata yang dipersetujui oleh pihak Israel dan Hamas telah dicabuli oleh Isreal.
2) Mesir yang dikatakan menjadi tulang belakang kepada proses gencatan senjata itu membelot dan berpihak kepada Israel(Wallahualam)
3)Iran dan Indonesia akan menghantar mujahid-mujahid mereka untuk membantu Hamas
4)Muammar Gadaffi(General Libya) telah mengadakan perhimpunan tergempar bersama pemerintah-pemerintah Tanah Arab untuk membantu Palestin. Beliau turut menyelar sifat-sifat pemimpin Arab agar tidak hanya berdiam diri.
5) Dua tokoh pimpinan Hamas telah syahid setelah menjadi sasaran tentera Isreal
6) Hamas sukar untuk dikalahkan dan masih mempunyai strategi-strategi untuk menentang Israel.
7)Jumlah tentera sayap kiri Hamas (Briged Al-Qassam) yang syahid lebih sedikit daripada jumlah tentera Israel yang terkorban
8) Yang terbaru, Hizbullah(kumpulan pejuang Islam di Lubnan)membantu Hamas dengan melancarkan serangan kepada Israel

Berapa ramai saudara-saudara kita yang terkorban disana. Bolehkah kita hanya memejamkan mata atau sekadar mendengar sahaja berita kematian mereka seperti satu bed time story?Cukuplah dengan sikap ignorance kita itu. Sama-sama kita berubah. Umat Islam ini seperti satu batang tubuh dimana, jika satu anggotanya sakit, maka seluruh tubuh iu akan merasai kesakitannya.

Saya menyeru diri saya sendiri dan sahabat sekalian untuk memboikot barang-barang yahudi itu. Kita sudah tentu tidak mampu untuk ke sana dan turut mengangkat senjata memerangi tentera Israel itu tetapi sudah memadai jika dengan memboikot ini, mampu sedikit sebanyak melemahkan sumber ekonomi mereka. Kalian boleh melihat senarai barangan-barangan yahudi di bahagian bawah blog saya ini. Fatwa untuk memboikot barangan yahudi sudah dikeluarkan. Jika fatwa sudah dikeluarkan, apa hukumnya kalau kita tidak mengikutinya? Pada sesiapa yang tau, mungkin boleh kongsikan disini.

"Each riyal, dirham..etc. used to buy their goods eventually becomes bullets to be fired at the hearts of brothers and children in Palestine. For this reason, it is an obligation not to help them( the enemies of Islam) by buying their goods. To buy their goods is to support tyranny, oppression and aggression"-Syekih Yusuf Al-Qardhowi-
