Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day to abah

Salam alayk..dalam nak exam ni pun sempat lagi tulis blog..hehe..personally I think it is unfair to just write about mothers day and not writing about father's day. Thus, this entry is specially dedicated to my beloved father, Mr Asli Mohd. Happy Father's Day ye abah.. Yesterday, I had been listening to IKIM for the whole day and there was a segment for Father's Day speech dedication. Then after that, I totally forgotten about it and this morning, I saw one of my friend's ym status which reminded me that today is father's day..hopefully btul la hari ni...Anyway, everyday is a father's day right!!.. I had sent my father an sms which sounds like this(direct from Malay translation nih)

"Salam alayk. abah, hepy father's day. Semoga diredhai Allah selalu. syg abah! Sory tgh pokai, dokleh nk anto bunga mcm mama aritu..hehe..doa ke kakak. tgh stady nih"

Then not so long after that, I got the reply.

"tq-tak payah bunga, doa anak soleh dah memadai"

Waa..tak ke berderai airmata baca tu...Macam mana ni, jadi anak soleh??Ya Allah jauh lagi rasanya..Tapi insyaAllah akan dicuba sedaya upaya agar menjadi anak soleh itu..Dahla duk jauh ni..It feels like I want to run back home and hug lupa abah kat sekolah sekarang..My dad is a cauncellor( tak sure btul ke tak eja tu..encarta pun tk membantu la).. in Sekolah Menengah Tengku Bariah, Terengganu.

Seronok pulak hari ini rasanya sebab ramai jugak kawan-kawan yang menyahut seruan untuk sama-sama meletakkan gambar ayah masing-masing kat ym. Thanks my friends walaupun semua tahu bukannya ayah masing-masing bukak ym pun..huhu..but its ok just as a token of appreciation..Nak bagi harta benda kan, masing-masing pun tak berduit lagi...And as usual I put a song entitled 'Sentuhanmu' by Inteam to all fathers in the world...

Encik Asli Mohd


Dr. Amiera Asli said...

waa!got no tyme 2 post sumthin 4 abah..huhu..

Anonymous said...

tu la..hehe..its worries..