Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Finally numbers..

Assalamualaikum wbt..Thanks to Allah for giving me the chance to continue my life in this world. Today, my first lecture for mathematics..and I was so excited as it had been 3 years or more I hadnt see any numbers in my course.huhu..actually what do you expect of an english teacher's course..only essays and words and so forth..It is not that I hate all those things but I really want to do something else..I had dropped a linguistics subject, (writing) and I took MATH106. It was actually quite hard to change the subject at first because I didnt have enough courage to change it as my friends didnt. 'Dare to be different' that was the phrase which came to my mind last night. Then alhamdulillah my plan was approved by my coordinator, Pamela..Then when I told a few of my friends about it, two of them agreed to change it. So they had strengthened my will. Millions thanks to Diana and Farizah. Really appreciate it...So, today I didnt know why but I had a strange feeling inside me..and you know what, there was suddenly a drum roll in my heart when I entered the lecture hall. and then there went the numbers thinging..Ohh..I really love maths..huhu...but don't misunderstood me ok!! I still love english very much..

When I read the description for this course, it was written suitable for primary English teacher. Then when I had a look at the tutorials questions and after my first experience today, it was not like the primary syllabus. It was quite the same as our lower form secondary school syllabus. I learned how to derive the formulas from the problems that the lecturer asked us to solve. Back in Malaysia, we were given the formulas and just answer the questions. but it really different in here..there..I hope you can see the excitement in me..huhu..I also hope it lasts..not only for this time..

I still remembered that how hard it was to take this decision..Until up to the point that I went to ask for my seniors (Kak Amrien , Kak Syal), housemates (Kak Mard, Kak Ya, Miza) and other friends' advices. Thanks a lot to all of you..Only Allah can repay you...One of my friends from Melbourne, AIsya was so supportive and she came to me at the right if Allah helped me by sending her to me. It was not that she came to Macquarie but she rang me and I received a lot of advices from her. She asked me to open the Quran and searched for Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 216.

"Diwajibkan ke atas kamu berperang, tetapi itu tidak menyenangkan bagimu. Tetapi boleh jadi kamu tidak menyenangi sesuatu, padahal ia baik bagimu dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu padahal ia tidak baik bagimu. Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui"

Then, once again I was panicked (actually not that panick la..just exaggerate)..This verse really made me thinking very deeply (wah fikir untuk tukar subjek mcm fikir nak kawen plak-complicated)..Iye la manela tahu kan mungkin walaupun saya sangat excited untuk tukar but it is not good for me..After that, I called my mum and asked her about this thing..and well there it goes...I changed the subject...But I promised myself that what ever consequences or ujian that come after this, I will face it with Allah's help. I also need my friends' supports and I know they will because I knew them(pening pulak ayat ni)...

Lastly, I pray to Allah to give me the strength to continue this semester and score good results..I want to be a good individu muslim which can balance between my study and agama..and I also need your doa...insyaAllah..



Izyan Hamizah said...

salaam dear friend..

hehe, Allah knows best.. same r, ari tu izy ade conflict tu gak. mse nk amik lerning difficulties.. wat istikarah.. last Allah bg petunjuk sruh amik.. Alhamdulillah.. Semoga Allah berikan ape yng terbaik utk kte.. lets keep on bermujahadah..

Anonymous said...

insyaAllah..tu la time hati mmg condong nk amek math..lps tnye my mum pun still cmtu insyaAllah..doakn ye izy...same2 usaha..jazakillah ya ukhti..

Anonymous said...

u'll be fine, fariena.
segala jadi dengan kemahuan, usaha dan tawakal.
-alia comel lote

Anonymous said...

hehe..same2 alia..doakn ye...